
How to Write Reasons

1 credit

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Full course description

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Procedural fairness requires that regulators give meaningful reasons explaining their decisions. Judicial scrutiny of regulatory decisions focuses on those reasons to ascertain whether the decision is justifiable, transparent, and intelligible. Writing reasons, however, is an art that requires skill—especially in the regulatory context. This course examines the process for writing regulatory reasons and, through practical assignments, helps learners develop relevant skills.

Scenarios will be taken from the complaints and discipline contexts, with some discussion of the registration context as well. The skills developed will be transferrable to other contexts (e.g., quality assurance and administrative suspensions).

Course Objectives

By the end of this course, the learners should be able to:

  1. Develop a process for deliberations and decision making that fosters the writing of defensible reasons.
  2. Apply the IDEEA principle to craft reasons that correctly identify the Issues, set out clear decisions, provide explanations for decisions, give examples to illustrate the explanations, and address the arguments that will be made by the losing sides.
  3. Recognize gaps in reasons that courts will scrutinize and successfully address those gaps.

Course Information

This course will have a live discussion on Wednesday, April 16th from 2-3 p.m. Live discussions are highly recommended, but not required. 

This course will require approximately two to three hours each week, though it may vary from week to week and depending on your work pace. Weeks 4 and 5 may be particularly demanding. 

  • Instructor: Richard Steinecke, BA, LLB
  • Course Dates: April 7 – May 30, 2025
  • Delivery Method: Instructor-Led
  • Cost: $50 | Free for Members
  • Pathway: Public Policy & Legislation
  • Program Credit: 1.0
  • Contact Hours:  24.0