
Foundations of APRN Regulation in the United States

$25 Enroll Now

Full course description

APRN regulation may not be the first topic one thinks of when seeking to learn more about this essential healthcare provider, however, the importance of understanding how the profession is regulated cannot be understated. 

While there has been significant progress in the acceptance of APRNs and their integration into the provision of healthcare in the US, there is still work to be done in advancing the regulation of APRNs toward full implementation of the APRN Consensus Model and achieve full practice authority for all APRNs. 

This course will provide a foundational education about the regulation of APRNs and help prepare practicing APRNs to provide safe care within their scope of practice, protect the APRN license and advocate for the profession. 

Interactive lessons will help you apply concepts that deepen your knowledge and strengthen your understanding of the roots of the four APRN roles, the importance of the nurse practice act in each jurisdiction, the Consensus Model as a regulatory framework, and licensure mobility through the APRN Compact.

Course Objectives

By the end of this course, learners will be able to: 

  1. Discuss the current state of APRN regulation in the United States 
  2. Examine the origins of Advance Practice Registered Nursing roles 
  3. Examine the roles and scopes of practice for various advanced practice nurses 
  4. Identify the key elements and status of the Consensus Model 
  5. Evaluate the purpose, structure, and benefits of the APRN Compact 

Course Information

This course is for novice APRN regulators, practicing APRNs and others interested in the regulation of advanced practice registered nurses in the US and its territories.

Please note that completion of this course will only provide CE credits. While Foundations of Regulation courses are designed to enhance and compliment courses in the ICRS Certificate Program, credits toward graduation are not awarded.

  • Instructor: Michelle Buck, MSN, APRN, CNS
  • Delivery Method: OnDemand
  • Cost: $25 | Free for Members
  • Contact Hours: 2.0